The Masters of Lighting Design at IstanbulLight!

The 11th IstanbulLight International Lighting and Electrical Equipments Fair and Congress, organized by UBM Turkey, AGID and ATMK strategic partnership, takes place in Istanbul Expo Center between 19-22 September 2018.

The fair will also hold IstanbulLight Lighting Design Summit on 21-22 September under its roof and will host 12 sessions where the best examples of lighting designs and experiences to define the future of the industry.

With its rich content and famous international and Turkish speakers; Rogier van der Heide and Daan Roosegaarde as well as some of the most prominent lighting designers of Turkey such as Canan Baba, S. Funda Ataylar, Faruk Uyan, Nergiz Arifoğlu, Zeki Kadirbeyoğlu, Onur Yiğit, Ömer Selçuk Baz, Dilek Şahin, Ali Berkman, Mustafa Seven, Korhan Şişman will be sharing their expertise of lighting design.

Click the link for the Lighting Design Summit programme, details.