Getting to the venue

Venue Address

Yeşilköy, Atatürk Cd. No: 5/5, 34149 Bakırköy/İstanbul, Turkey

Visiting Hour

10am - 7pm


Where is Istanbul Expo Center?

Directions to IFM Istanbul Expo Center (İstanbul) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near IFM - Istanbul Expo Center 

By Metro

Visitors who want to come to Istanbul Expo Center by Metro can use the Hacıosman - Yenikapı metro and the Airport connection. After the transfer, they can reach Istanbul Expo Center by landing at the "World Trade Center - Istanbul Expo Center" station.

By Sea bus

Visitors who want to come to Istanbul Expo Center by sea transportation can use IDO. Visitors coming to Bakırköy with IDO. fter the transfer, they can reach Istanbul Expo Center by landing at the "World Trade Center - Istanbul Expo Center" station.

By Metrobus

On the metrobus route running from Beylikdüzü - Söğütlüçeşme, you can get off at Şirinevler station and transfer to the Airport metro line. After the transfer, they can reach Istanbul Expo Center by landing at the "World Trade Center - Istanbul Expo Center" station.

By Marmaray

From the Anatolian side, you can get off at the "World Trade Center - Istanbul Expo Center" station and come to Istanbul Expo Center by using the Marmaray - Yenikapı Airport Metro connection.

Post-show Report 2019

Exhibit at IstanbulLight 2023

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